Sunday, 16 November 2008

Chainsaw feelings

A Sunday with rain and nothing better to do, oh there is a lot that I seem to forget.. I used some time on Youtube looking at Chainsaw movies. Yeah this is only for us males who start drooling and got so much emotions on the subject. Many of the films have 40-50 comments with so much feelings inside mostly on the different brands and I must confess, I am also that fan who says; Husky rulez.. Would have been awkward to be caught holding some other in my hands..

Look at this man who got his kid filming and the pride he has in owing this Husky professional chainsaw. This things about chainsaws really make men show their feelings..


Anonymous said...

helt ärligt, jag har INGEN aning. Men jag har bilder värre än så :)

dianne said...

You men and your power tools! :)
Very impressive cutting there - like a warm knife through butter. ♥