Wednesday 17 December 2008

Wednesdayevening tea

Having spent the evening out in the unheated garage a warm cup or two warms you up.

This thing of doing work in the garage has a lot of strange psychology in it. Alone with your thoughts that can circulate freely on anything you also have this goal of having the job done. When you get into problems, as you always do, the thing is to take it easy and just let the time work for you. You against this new challenge.

Tonight I listened to some modern Christmas tunes and it was quite cosy.. Often, especially with old cars you have to invent methods for solving the case and afterwards when the job is done you feel quite happy and appreciate this warm cup of tea and some chocolate..


Anonymous said...

åh, jag saknar att dricka te i Brians garage bland alla hans underbara bilar i det svinkalla england.

Jag har INTE, jag upprepar INTE en miljon kort på mig själv på datorn. Jag är INTE självupptagen. Jag är INTE Kalmars största lögnare just nu.

Lite pinsamt när du kmr på mig sådär :(

dianne said...

Its always nice when you think things through with problems in a calm way, then everything seems to fall into place.
It is such a great feeling of accomplishment when you have finished and it is a job well done. The cup of tea sounds nice M, enjoy.♥

Anonymous said...

mm, och nu har jag lärt mig att genomskåda killarna från en gång.. Dom flesta iallafall, inget som säger att jag inte kommer att falla igen iochförsig..