Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Wednesdayevening 9 PM

Got these surrealistic emotion this morning when there was this thick fog down at the train station so you really couldn't see your own hands.

When the train arrived so gentle and quiet it was only visible as these three lights that sort of whispering come closer. I felt that this must be that "Silver-Express" the ghost-train who only take aboard people but no one ever gets out since inside the time has stopped.. And I was not surprised that nobody stepped off..

Inside I picked up yesterdays newspaper, I use to read it on the morning train..

There was this very interesting review from a book by Vigdils Hjort "Hjulskifte" really got me interested, must go and find it at the library.

The train was evidently not the "Silver-Express" since we all got out at the last stop, but had these announcement of next stops with a strong English accent, the driver today was a Brit who settled down in our soil.

Tonight there is these clear skyes that probable make the temperature sink below zero later at night.. Bright stars this evening and a half-moon who lit up and sent out some long shadows.


dianne said...

Interesting post M, I like it when the trains come flying through the underground tunnel and you can feel the rush of air from them before you see them.
I would find that a little daunting with all of that fog, what an imagination you have. :)
I like the sky at night when it is clear and the moon and stars light up everything on which they shine, cold but many sparkles in the sky. ♥

Anonymous said...

Har du någonsin suttit på en brygga en dimmig dag då vatten, himmel, och luften omkring alla är grå i olika nyanser? Allt blir dämpat och man befinner sig som mitt i ett moln. Häftigt.

The Mess said...


I'm always use toe dream in some way..

Believe you have that sort of thoughts..

The Mess said...


Inte på en brygga men visst har jag varit i en segelbåt, guppat i dimman och undrat var man egentligen är??

dianne said...

Yes M, I am imaginative and a dreamer, that is a good thing I think, I was complimenting you. :) ♥