Monday, 27 July 2009

Monday morning 04:20

A kitten is playing with my ear. It bites and nibble playfully. I listen to its sniffs and thought that this is more effective than the alarm clock.

And funnier too..


dianne said...

Kittens are so cute and three wake me up very early...if I dont respond to one of them sitting on my pillow playing with my hair, another one will start wreaking havoc by jumping up on my bureau and playing with my ornaments, meanwhile another furry feline (this will be Bob Cat) will try and wake me by pushing gently on my face and sniffing my cheek, that warm fuzzy little face so close to mine...all of this accompanied by little meows and lots of purring from the three of them.
Pleased you enjoyed your kitty alarm clock, they are funny. ♥

Elinore said...

Ja jag älskar historia :-)

Lily said...


did you see my comment in the post below?

we're still looking for a summerhouse in Sweden, but don't wanna spent more than 200.000. Got any ideas?

basically i would just love a capin up north with nothing in it which also don't have to be warmed up in winter. you know just a wooden cabin, not all these wooden family homes which they are selling for peanuts... we also found one today, but then felles udgifter 6500 a year. fuck that! So something out in the wilderness by the water, plain and simple just with a stove to heat...

But tell me, is it totally unrealistic to just have a cabin with no insulation, just planks of wood and then a stove (brændeovn/pejs)? Will i then get muk og svamp - you know all the rotten stuff? or does the wood breath well enough, so it's okay that you only use the stove when you're actually there? I am sure you must know that! you're from the north!
See you around and have fun with the kittens. oh we've got one as well, but it's stuffed. it's a tiger almost natural size and it looks so real that many people get a shock!