Monday, 28 July 2008

Fun at work?

Yes it was just another boring day at the office but I had some quite goods laughs too, at paid time.. You could have many ideas of what kind of work that you would like to do and if it will be challenging your brain just enough and all that kind of thoghts.. I have a work where there is a lot of laughs everyday. We deal with people and people are often so funny to deal with if you just open them up a bit.. And our way of solving problems can sometimes be very unorthodox.. Hahaha!

I actually long for going to work tomorrow.. uhhmm.. perhaps there is some medicine?


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, I know where you work! It must be a place where you repair cars for stupid women.
They say: Ohh, my car is not working, can YOU fix it?
Then you say: I really don't no. It seem to be a big problem with it.
Than she say: What will it cost? and you just say: I think about 20.000 kr or more. Hard to say.
She: Oh, really. Ok, fix it. I'll pay.
Then you go back in to your office and have a good laugh with your colleagues.
That's your wonderful jobb.

The Mess said...


You reveal the secret of how it all works out, and it´s not only women that are stupid..

Afterwards they have such a laugh when all they have changed was a fuse worth 2 kr..

ANNA-LYS said...

The medicine against this severe sickness is a lovely wife ;-)

The Mess said...

Hahaha! Anna..