Saturday, 13 April 2013

Saturday Sauna

Sooo relaxing to lay down and let your mind work freely. Thoughts calm down into a mathematical point and time stands still. Weather is changing outside snow is melting. This will be the last chance of having snow to pour on the stones as you do in winter, gets a slow build up of humidity instead of that instant thing when shovel water. Somehow I feel a bit sadness when winter loosing it's grip rather the same as it feels in autumn when leaves are falling, change in season affects you in many ways...


dianne said...

That sounds very relaxing dear M, to let your thoughts go free and drift into a place of restfulness and peace.
It is always sad for me to feel the cooler seasons pass. I love Autumn, with its cool and crisp temperatures and golden hues.
I went out into the garden early this morning, the air was cool and fragrant with the scent of leaves and flowers.
xoxoxo ♡

Magia da Inês said...

Passei para admirar suas fotografias.
♪♫ Bom fim de semana!
ღ° Beijinhos do Brasilღ