Sunday, 1 September 2013

Last swim for this summer?

September usually means autumn by luck (?) this day was quite warm so me and youngest could take a swim in our “secret” lake where you usually are alone.

Water was 22 at surface, a bit colder when you got deeper. Rather sad to go up as you realise that it probably was the last swim this summer.

We walked more silent than usually to our car trying to save this moment in our minds.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

What is next?

You always find something interesting ahead..

Sunday, 23 June 2013


I have no idea of the name..

They are cool but don`t have any fragrance.

Light is typical in a mid summer evening :)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Summertime again

Syren tunnel has my mailbox in the end usually filled with bills...

 To go out and just smell summer in the evening all fragrances combined with the light, life starts all over again :)

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Saturday Sauna

Sooo relaxing to lay down and let your mind work freely. Thoughts calm down into a mathematical point and time stands still. Weather is changing outside snow is melting. This will be the last chance of having snow to pour on the stones as you do in winter, gets a slow build up of humidity instead of that instant thing when shovel water. Somehow I feel a bit sadness when winter loosing it's grip rather the same as it feels in autumn when leaves are falling, change in season affects you in many ways...

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Fire in snow

Snow reveal what has passed. You can see trace of Fox, Deer, Ducks and Cats :) A cosy fire outside, burning some sausage... Y

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Signs of spring?

A bit early for cats in the Cherrytrees, they usually appears in April :)

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Sun and snow all day long

The Mignon Ducks really likes that sun is coming back and give them some piece of grass to go through and search for something interesting. Then next moment snow is falling again...

Cloud Atlas

I saw the film today with my two oldest. It's really an ephic piece of motion picture that thrills your mind. Since we have the some sort of feeling for good and bad we all liked it... a lot.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Just by chance

On a Thursday evening in March with -7 below, a quiet and calm evening, got this idea of waking up the sleeping blog.