Sunday, 8 June 2008

A picture from today

Sat at the cliffs and took a moment thinking about women..


Middle Ditch said...

I have spend an enjoyable time here looking at all those pictures. I hope that the woman in question is thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

The there must be at least two thinking of you since you wrote 'women', Mess... =D

The Mess said...

Middle ditch.. Thank you for the comment on my pictures, they are a part of my thinking.

Jen.. 2/3 is close to one..

LadyLuz said...

Hi M - you'll just have to get a pillion passenger to enjoy that spectacular view with you!

The Mess said...

Haha! must confess I didn't know the word pillion and had to search it out.

The only passengers I use to get is my two daughters that really likes to do a ride with a bike. The son is not interested at all.. Oldest daughter is planning to have her own licence next summer so I'm looking in the ad's for a suitable bike for her, preferable a custom model with a low seat cause she's not so tall, the moped she's got now she barely kan reach ground with her feet. But its not that common girlmoped...