Bedroom view.. perhaps time to take down the Christmas decoration?Lazy morning in bed, being in that mixture of half awake and still sleeping, just slightly controlling the dreams and let them almost moving by themselves. Subject was motorcycles and women, maby just maybe I have a new bike in my dreams that I can long for. Not a special individual I'vie found but a type that slowly has grown into my mind and made it possibly this years long-to-have motorcycle. The other subject in my morning dreams was more indistinct. Partly on past and things I could have done different, and things I haven't done anything to.. this years long-to women is more obscured.
Today's plans would be a stint out at the field and then a twist from the wrist with the one of my bikes that is possible to shake into life ahh.. should have used all those dark evenings in winter to do that major overhauling..